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Workshop equipment sale (continued)
29th Apr 2019 in
Equipment consists of head-reconditioning machinery. To be sold as a ‘lot’ and will notÂ
be sold as individual pieces of equipment.
All equipment meticulously maintained and in excellent condition.
Call 0488 911 200 for information

Parts Washer 880mm basket

Sioux Valve Refacer (model2075) collet chuck and 6 x collets

Cylinder Head Pressure Tester (CRH5) with range of jigs and pads

Rotary Screw Compressor (10hp) with vertical receiver – not pictured- only 120hrs of operation

Pressure Blaster 800

Forklift 1.5T with refillable gas bottle

Diamond Hone kit with tank & pump

Cylinder Head Furnace (gas)

Rinse Tank (1000 x 700)

Benches (with deadening) 2 x 1200 & 2 x 2400mm