We are often asked what media to use in blast cabinets, for example glass beads, garnet or steel shot ETC. The answer is varied depending on the type of material to be cleaned, alloy, cast iron or steel ETC and whether they are rough castings or fully machined precision parts.
Generally for machined parts which are alloy I.e Cylinder Heads, glass beads are preferred as they will eave a fine finish on the surface. Garnet can also be used but it leaves a rougher finish which will be prone to staining and is hard to remove.
On cast iron and steel parts glass beads or garnet can be used subject to the blasting pressure and the required finish.
Steel shot can be used on alloy,steel and cast iron in a pressure blast cabinet but with strict attention to the pressure setting on the machine.
Plastic media can be used for very sensitive parts and blast cleaning of car bodies ETC again with caution on blast pressure.
Soda can also be used but does not recycle.
We supply all the above media, a range of blast cabinets both pressure and suction type and also spare parts.
For further information go to http://www.autoindustrialequip.com.au/product-category/blasting/ or phone me on 03 9705 1000 I will be happy to advise you.