It’s important to work out which size Parts Washer would suit your particular requirements. There is no point in buying one that far exceeds your needs but on the other hand there is nothing worse than getting one and wishing you had just gone for one just a bit bigger, so here’s what to look for!
Measure your largest common parts diagonally and this will dictate the size of basket machine required, 900mm, 1220mm or 1500mm.
The next thing to do is look at the total weight capacity required. We can cater for from 400KG, 500KG, 750KG to 1,000KG. Our range of Stainless Steel units are insulated to keep the running costs to a minimum as non insulated machines just operate like a giant radiator which wastes electricity and therefore dollars!
The usual applications for the 900mm Parts Washers are cylinder head shops,transmission shops,car service workshops, marine engine service and power steering repairers.
The 1220 machines typically are supplied to bus companies, truck service, manufacturing service, mining, rail and excavator repair shops ETC. The larger 1500 units go to hydraulic applications, larger engine shops and other industrial applications.
We also supply these machines for other general industrial purposes as diverse as plastic bag manufacturers to waffle ice cream cone makers.
I am always happy to chat with you and help you assess which would be most suitable for your needs, just give me a call on 03 9397 0969. Download the catalogue.